written by
Mike Todaro

Time to Check Out CNBC's 'The Profit'

Editorial 1 min read

In a recent meeting with members, I learned that some of you may not have heard of the business TV series call 'The Profit'. It is a program with episodes that may apply to what you need in your business!

The series features a fellow named Marcus Lemonis. His background is absolutely fascinating as you can learn by clicking here - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Lemonis

Note that his investment career was launched by a friend of his father's, Lee Iacocca. That investment grew to make Marcus a billionaire.  

The series revolves around him showing up at businesses that are in trouble, analyzing them and making them a cash offer for part ownership. In many cases, he makes an enormous difference. In others, he walks away. But he always starts with the same focus - people, product, process - EVERY time, and it works. 

Some episodes are directly in our industry, others are not but the business issues revealed apply. See for yourself. All episodes are available free on https://www.cnbc.com/the-profit/
