written by
Mike Todaro

God FORBID We Should Upset Some Retailers...

AAPN News 1 min read

If I could show you a way you could walk up to your manager in your retailer and say, "you're flat wrong", would you be interested in that?

Well, here's your chance. We asked Randy Harward what he was going to discuss with you online on July 16. He replied, "What is the origin by retailers of the idea that they don't have to plan? The very speed and flexibility they claim to admire comes from planning and making positioning decisions. The lack of understanding of how retail works is deeply entrenched, which gives AAPN members who are local an opportunity".

You, your staff, others you respect are going to want to gather around this campfire - free - July 16 - 11 AM E.S.T. - FREE by registering here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_EUbO-4tCQ6mlCCYWqdrPaw