written by
Mike Todaro

The Most Important Industry Survey of the Year

AAPN News 1 min read

Paula Rosenblum, Managing Partner of Retail Systems Research, gave an extremely insightful talk at our Annual Conference earlier this year. Her knowledge comes from very deep industry research, as the name of her company implies.

Paula has just shared with us her new, extensive survey called: The Retail Supply Chain 2020: Flexibility from Design And Sourcing To Customer Delivery

The survey link is live now. You’ll note that after question 5, the survey splits into retailers and brand managers in one direction, and factories in a whole other direction. click here:https://www.research.net/r/SMYVR9R

Retailers, brands, factories, producers - EVERYONE must complete this incredibly detailed set of questions which truly spans the entire supply chain. 

YOU take it, YOU forward this email, YOU tell everyone you know to drill down through these amazing questions and then WE will all know the actual state of our ever-morphing industry and what to do with our careers!
