written by
Melanie Evans

Culp Inc. joins AAPN

Member News 1 min read

Please join us in welcoming Culp Inc. to the AAPN family.

Headquartered in High Point, NC, Culp has evolved from a regional fabric supplier to a global partner for a wide range of customers. Founded by Robert G. Culp, Jr. in 1972, Culp’s focus on continuous improvement in its manufacturing operations and a trend-savvy design team helps customers drive sales and grow market share on a global basis.

In August of 2017, CHF announced expansion of its CLASS Cut and Sew Platform in Haiti. CIH-Class International Holdings, is located in Haiti-based Codevi, an industrial park that has moved from a vision to the largest employer in the country’s Northern region. CLASS now has production facilities in the USA, China and Haiti.

To learn more about of latest member, please take a few minutes to check out their website here.