written by
Mike Todaro

Buy a house OR Hire a Fashion Shopper...on Amazon!

Editorial 1 min read

We are all aware of what a retail behemoth Amazon has become, but just what you can buy on the site seems to be expanding faster than ever. For example, did you know that you can buy a 'tiny home' on Amazon for just under $27,000? (And have it shipped Prime Delivery of course)

Not in the market for a spare house right now? How about letting your very own personal fashion shopper curate your look? Amazon is about to start offering that service too, as this article, forwarded to us by Maureen C. Fahey, Managing Partner at Productivity Inc (thanks Maureen) explains.

Amazon's next foray into fashion is a personal shopping service
Personal Shopper helps find clothes that fit your style.
engadget.com, 07.31.19 in Internet

Amazon's adventures in fashion haven't usually set the world on fire, but it might have a more appealing option: have someone else pick your apparel choices. It just launched a Personal Shopper by Prime Wardrobe service that, for $5 per month on top of Prime, has a stylist choose clothes based on your tastes. You start with a survey that helps set your preferences and measurements (a tight fit, a retro look and a long torso, for example), and then stay in touch with the stylist through the Amazon app to fine-tune the selection. You get as many as eight of those hand-picked items in a monthly box (you can preview the contents) and pay only for what you keep beyond the one-week try-on period. Read More
