AAPN announces our keynote speaker for our 2020 pro:Americas Annual Conference at the Four Seasons in Miami May 3-5, 2020.

Juan Zighelboim and others shared the most amazing set if global financial slides delivered by Paulo de Sacadura Cabral Portas at the International Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF), October 2019, Porto, Portugal. 

Paulo de Sacadura Cabral Portas is described as a "politically incorrect, ironic, pragmatic, charismatic and decisive man " Paulo Portas has been a key figure in Portuguese politics since the 1990s and President of the democratic party that has been in office the longest (re-elected 8 times in 16 years)".

Portas has reinvented his new career path through various routes: as a strategic consultant in Africa, Latin America and the Persian Gulf; resuming his career as a journalist with a Sunday television program on international politics; taking an MBA in Geopolitics; running public policy training for young CDS leaders; as Vice-president of the Portuguese Chamber of Commerce, in charge of the chambers overseas; as Vice-president of the international strategic advisory board of the largest Portuguese company, and as a speaker who is an expert on the European Union, relations with Latin America, geopolitics, the global economy, internationalization, exports and accessing new markets.